Dreams and the good night’s sleep

How Stress And Emotions Influence The Brain

Sleep is an almost universal phenomenon,defined by diminished consciousness,lowered physiological activity,increased muscle relaxation and activation of almost all voluntary motor muscles during sleep,reduced awareness of external stimuli and decreased activities with others during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. These effects are often associated with some form of negative emotion,such as fear,anxiety or anger. Dreams also afect our sleep; Want to know more about dreams?

Sleep can also be associated with a positive or neutral emotion such as happiness or elation. The effects of sleep on the body and mind can be divided into three broad categories,each representing a specific brainwave pattern or frequency. These patterns are categorized as alpha,beta,and theta sleep.

Alpha Sleep

Also known as light sleep,occurs between one and four hours after waking,when most brainwaves remain in the delta or theta range. These brainwaves are associated with being alert and awake. These brainwaves are also associated with sleepwalking and dreaming. Alpha sleep has been linked to improved memory,concentration,and alertness,as well as higher brainwave activity.

Beta Sleep

Occurs between four and twelve hours after waking,where most brainwaves move into theta and the alpha range. Beta sleep is associated with the subconscious state,as well as being very conducive to dreaming and hallucinations. It has been linked to mood enhancement,and to the development of new skills,as well as an increased sense of creativity and clarity of thought.

Delta Sleep

Delta Sleep,or deep sleep,occurs between twelve and twenty-four hours after waking,at which time most brainwaves return to the alpha range. These brainwaves are not associated with consciousness. In fact,most people have no idea they have been asleep,because their brainwaves are too slow to register with their consciousness.

Sleep patterns can change depending upon a variety of factors. One of these factors is the type of day one is having. For example,if one sleeps through the day,then the brainwave patterns experienced are more similar to the beta and theta brainwave patterns. If one sleeps during the night,then the brainwaves are more similar to alpha,which are associated with being fully awake. Go tohttps://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/sleep/articles/sleepdisorders.shtmlfor more information.

The types of stress and negative emotions one experiences,both during the day and during the night,affect the brainwave frequencies that are experienced. Sleep can be disrupted due to these emotions. People who are in an extremely stressful and negative emotional state are more likely to experience sleep disruptions. This can lead to disrupted sleep and,sometimes,insomnia.

Many factors also influence how sleep patterns are affected by the brain. These include physical activities like playing video games,listening to music,reading,and listening to the radio. and TV,and mental activities like thinking or even writing. To read more about this go tohttps://bedroom.solutions/asmr-for-better-sleep/

As you can see,there are a number of factors that can affect how sleep is affected and can change the way sleep patterns are experienced. Stress can cause brainwave frequencies to be more active or to remain dormant,while negative emotions can make the brainwave frequencies more relaxed or more active.
