Ab Etching it works and here’s why

What is ab etching?

Liposuction with ab etching is a highly sophisticated procedure. Liposuction is commonly used to remove fat from the belly, thighs, hips, and back. Ab etching elevates it to a new level.  It is one of the most popular forms of male plastic surgery.

In an ab etching operation, your doctor employs Vaser, a high-tech ultrasonic liposuction technique, to do complete and tailored fat removal.

Ab etching, like standard liposuction, targets and eliminates deep fat. It may also eliminate surface fat, which standard lipo cannot.

Your doctor will remove the surface fat between the ab muscles while leaving it atop the forces during ab etching. This sculpts and accentuates your abdomen, giving you a six-pack (in males) or a four-pack (in women) (in women). Your ab etching procedure also includes a cutting-edge plasma skin tightening treatment to define better and accentuate the stunning results.


Why is ab etching or abdominal sculpting so popular?

Ab etching has grown in popularity in recent years for various reasons.

  • The procedure takes just 1.5 hours
  • Better results than traditional liposuction
  • Customizable for your desired look
  • High abdominal muscle definition 
  • Very natural looking
  • Gentler than traditional liposuction
  • Permanent results

Overall, ab etching is popular because it allows you to get previously unattainable outcomes with traditional liposuction techniques.


Will ab etching work for me?

Many persons with excess abdominal fat are excellent candidates for ab etching. If you want a more defined, toned, or leaner-looking abdomen but aren’t getting the results you want from exercise and food, visit a competent surgeon about ab etching.


The technique is best suited for patients who have excess abdominal fat but are not obese. Although plasma and ultrasonic energy aid skin tightening, this therapy does not remove excess skin. A surgical abdominoplasty may be a preferable option if you have substantial skin folds.


A six-pack could be just a procedure away, so schedule your appointment to learn more about ab etching now. 
